Canned fish
We offer our customers all the common types of canned fish, such as:
- Tuna
- Sardine
- Mackerel
- Anchovies
- Herring
Our customers can additionally find products from the delicacy and convenience sector such as seafood and fish salads.
In light of persistent overfishing and continuously rising demand, we are aware of the special responsibility working in this field entails. Together with our suppliers, we ensure that the products with which we provide our customers are high-quality goods that comply with EU Directives and come with the appropriate catch certificates. This ensures we combat IUU fishing (illegal, unreported and unregulated).
We will gladly respond to customer queries while fulfilling the following criteria:
- FAD-free – without use of fish aggregation devices
- Pole and line – a more sustainable way of catching fish
- MSC-certified – Marine Stewardship Council